April 25, 2010

Church and Community

How does the church and community interact?

There are two trains of thought. The first and most common is that the community is a place to get more members to come to our church so that we can have more people who will tithe so we can put on more, bigger, and better programs. This is from a program driven mentality. And sadly, that is the case of most churches in our society. It's to get people in our doors....and that's when they can hear about the transformation a relationship with Jesus Christ can bring. It's a flawed system. And in my opinion, it's not biblical.

The second thought is that the community is where the church operates. The church is a part of it's community and the majority of it's action is done outside the walls. The people are trained to go outside the church and SHOW the transformation Jesus Christ offers. This is a people driven mentality. This is how Jesus operated. How the disciples and the New Testament church operated. They were in the community, active.

This is where the church needs to be today. In the community...promoting reconciliation, training leaders, assisting the homeless and poor, caring for the sick, and helping educate the children. It's time for a revolution.

April 22, 2010

Earth Day

I guess this is something that can be a bit of a touchy subject. For some, Earth Day is thought of as another just agenda item. Something that is pushed by an extreme group that wants to eliminate man-kind. I don't think that is true.

I see Earth Day, and even the whole 'green' movement as something different. While there are undoubtedly some out there who think the earth would be better off without humans on it,for me, this isn't what being green is really all about.

As a Christ-follower, I live by a biblical worldview. And because I have that worldview, I place a high value on anything God created. Human beings, animals, the oceans, the earth....anything God created.

In Genesis 1:26 God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like ourselves. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.” We have a duty, as the keepers of creation, to be responsible with what God created. It's called being a good steward. We are to use what God gives us responsibly.

Ultimately, I will have to answer for anything I do as a believer. How I spent my time, my talents, and my treasure. How I used the things God gave me. And one of the greatest things He has given us is creation. It's His, just as it says in Psalms 24:1 "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it." I just want to know I have done everything in my power to be a good steward of the blessings God gave me.

February 28, 2010


As we look at a church, a new one, just what is the vision we see?

A place where people find community. A place that is more concerned about people. A place where buildings and property don't matter. People do. A place where people can come at anytime....even just to hang out.

A place that the whole community knows about. Where we are so involved that we are really making a difference in the lives of those around us. A place where we are known for what we are for, not for what we are against.

Everyone wants to belong to something. And not just belong, but to be a part of something that matters. To have a hand in making a difference.

All these things are what we are striving to do at GCF. We want a place where the church is the church. Where the church is for EVERYONE, not just those who come to a service once a week. We want to be a place that isn't known for it's buildings, properties or programs. But a place that is known for it's love and it's commitment to helping people, no matter where they are at.

Jesus had 132 conversations, only 10 of which were in the synagogue. The rest were out in the community. Don't you think if we profess to be disciples, followers of Jesus Christ, we should be doing what He did?

Just a thought.

January 15, 2010

Haiti-What should our response be?

It's been a while since I have posted anything, kinda took a season off to reflect on God's word and listen to what He wants.

That being said, I want to look at little bit at what is going on in Haiti. A few days ago a devastating earthquake shook the poor island of Haiti. It has cause total devastation to these people. If you don't know, Haiti is the poorest country of the Americas. These people survive on about $2 per person per day.

What should our response, as Christ-followers, be to this situation? Well, first it should not be condemnation. Apparently, there are some out there that have commented that this is God's retribution on Haiti for it's background in the occult. Nowhere in the Bible can I find that man gets to decide what natural disasters are God's judgment on people for sin.

Our response has to come from the Bible. As the basis for how we live, that is where we look for guidance. Matthew 25:34-40(NLT) says- “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’ “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters,[c] you were doing it to me!’

What we do for those in need, we are doing for Jesus. We are to reach out to the poor, the hurting, the needy. Whether they have a history of dealing in the occult doesn't matter. The people are human beings who all are precious. They are precious to us, because they are precious to God. Jesus died for ALL, and we have every obligation to do what Jesus would have done. The life of a disciple of Jesus is one of compassion, care, and loving. There is plenty of hate, evil and judgment in the world....this is one of the things that separates Christianity from other religions.

What a pure religion? One that is without man-made rules, judgmental attitudes, self-serving leaders? The Bible address what this religion would look like. James 1:27(NLT) says- Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.

I can guarantee you there are now probably hundreds of thousands of widows and orphans in Haiti. The devastation is enormous. As the church we have an obligation to CARE for these people, in whatever way we can. NOT judge them. And, if they are living occultic lives, this is the perfect opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus and show these hurting people what a great God we serve!


October 18, 2009


What is the motivation behind a church plant? Why do people plant churches? Reaching people (missions) is the reason.

One of the purposes that God has planned for all that are disciples of Christ, those that claim Christ as their leader, is to reach others with the life changing message of Jesus. The motivation for this is found in Matthew 28:19-20. In this we find Jesus addressing His disciples prior to ascending into heaven. He said- "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." This is called the Great Commandment. And it is the basis for REACH or missions in the church.

As GCF develops, you will hear more discussion about the PEACE plan. PEACE is the new wave God is sending out to reach the world. It's going to be how we reach people. But we will go into that in another post.

Our God is a missional God. His whole plan since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden has to been to bring us back into a relationship with Him. And this was why Christ came to Earth. To provide a way to fix that broken relationship. So, missions are at the heart of God. And they will be deep into the heart of GCF.

What I envision is a body of Christ followers who see people just as Christ did. All throughout the Bible we find Jesus seeking out the outcasts. The demon possessed, the prostitutes, tax collectors, lepers, etc. And the religious people of that day, they didn't like it. But, that is who Jesus calls us to go to. GCF will be a church after Jesus' heart. A church who has such compassion for the people who need it most. The homeless, the sick, the powerless (socially and politically), the disabled, the lonely, the widowed, the poor, the prostitutes, those controlled by addictions. These are the people that don't feel welcome anywhere. I want these people to come to GCF. I want them to be welcome here. I want to reflect something to them so that they will seek out the life change Jesus provides.

If we refuse to live out this purpose, if we say there is ANYONE we don't want to REACH....we do not follow Jesus' teachings, we are not disciples. We are called to be disciples, even in the hard teachings. And reaching out to those that Jesus did, well, it's not going to be easy. It's not going to be popular. We will be bad-mouthed, accused, and looked down upon by many. But, that is okay. Because our boss isn't of this world. And we do what we do to please Jesus, no one else.


September 30, 2009


Kids can't wait to grow up. As any little kid, they want you to call them a 'big kid'. Birthdays are anticipated as the greatest thing in the world...and not just because of the presents. It's because they are getting closer and closer to being grown up. No body wants to stay a child forever.

This is exactly how it should be with becoming spiritually grown up. It is something each person should be striving for. But sadly, many stay spiritual children. There is actual work that needs to be done if you expect to grow to maturity. Just look at growing physically. If you deprive the body of proper nutrients, water, rest and exercise it will not grow properly...or not at all. It is the same thing with spiritual growth. You have to spend time in prayer, Bible study, fellowship/accountability with other believers, worship, and service....just to name a few. If you don't do these things you will never grow to become more like Jesus. And that is what being a disciple is about. It is about taking on more of the characteristics of Jesus. Time will not automatically make someone spiritually mature. No matter what anyone says, time alone WILL NOT result in spiritual growth. If you do not feed the spirit, it will not grow.

The Great Commission say to 'go and make disciples'. That tells us that one of the purposes of the church is to see that its members are growing and maturing. Just like a parent, the goal of the church should be to see fully functioning disciples going out its doors and making a difference in the world. If all that is happening is people are attending and listening to a message, with no action afterwards...there is a serious problem. That can lead to lots of head knowledge, which alone is dangerous. Because head knowledge, without the heart behind it, leads to pride. And pride is dangerous. Pride is what brings about the downfall of many people, businesses, marriages, and families.

As a parent, if I do not ensure that my children grow up to become fully functioning, contributing citizens in this world....I failed. As a church, if we don't see our people growing into Christ's likeness to go out and make a difference in this world...we failed.


September 23, 2009


At the end of a life, what do people want to be surrounded by? Their trophies? Their cars, clothes, or money? The truth is, none of these things. When people die, they want to be surrounded by the people that they love.
Relationships are what make the world go around. Have you ever noticed that when you are having trouble with your spouse, significant other, close friend, parents, or kids that life is just such a drag. It's because we were made to do life together.
People want to be connected. There is a deep inner need to belong somewhere, to be a part of something. It is no accident that this need is such a part of us. God put this desire to be connected in us.
Jesus had close relationships. If you look at the New Testament, Jesus had many disciples. That much is obvious, when he commissioned them and sent them out by 2's in Luke 10:1(NIV) it says- 'After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. Look how it says 72 others.' So He had lots of disciples.
But when you look at the New Testament, Jesus spend the bulk of His time with a group of twelve. Twelve that He chose to really make a deep connection to. Twelve that were like a family. Twelve that were devastated when He was crucified. Jesus did life in a small group.
Then,look at the New Testament church in Acts and see how the very first church lived. Acts 2:44-47 (NIV)-'All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.' That is what I call being connected with one another. These people were connected and cared about each other.
This is what people need. We need a group of people that we really get connected to. People that we do life with. That we share in their successes, in their defeats. People who will come to our aid when times get tough.
The truth is, most people don't have unconditionally loving relationships. That is because most people live an "IF" type of love. I will love you IF-you make me happy. IF-I am in a good mood. IF-you don't tick me off. It's conditional. But that isn't the kind of love God made us to have. God wants us to have unconditional love, but only if we are connected to Him will we be able to have that kind of love.
We were not made to do life alone. Being a lone ranger in life is not the life God wants for you. Come get connected. Get connected to God and to the other people in His family. Then will you find out what a truly fulfilling life is.