What is the motivation behind a church plant? Why do people plant churches? Reaching people (missions) is the reason.
One of the purposes that God has planned for all that are disciples of Christ, those that claim Christ as their leader, is to reach others with the life changing message of Jesus. The motivation for this is found in Matthew 28:19-20. In this we find Jesus addressing His disciples prior to ascending into heaven. He said- "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." This is called the Great Commandment. And it is the basis for REACH or missions in the church.
As GCF develops, you will hear more discussion about the PEACE plan. PEACE is the new wave God is sending out to reach the world. It's going to be how we reach people. But we will go into that in another post.
Our God is a missional God. His whole plan since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden has to been to bring us back into a relationship with Him. And this was why Christ came to Earth. To provide a way to fix that broken relationship. So, missions are at the heart of God. And they will be deep into the heart of GCF.
What I envision is a body of Christ followers who see people just as Christ did. All throughout the Bible we find Jesus seeking out the outcasts. The demon possessed, the prostitutes, tax collectors, lepers, etc. And the religious people of that day, they didn't like it. But, that is who Jesus calls us to go to. GCF will be a church after Jesus' heart. A church who has such compassion for the people who need it most. The homeless, the sick, the powerless (socially and politically), the disabled, the lonely, the widowed, the poor, the prostitutes, those controlled by addictions. These are the people that don't feel welcome anywhere. I want these people to come to GCF. I want them to be welcome here. I want to reflect something to them so that they will seek out the life change Jesus provides.
If we refuse to live out this purpose, if we say there is ANYONE we don't want to REACH....we do not follow Jesus' teachings, we are not disciples. We are called to be disciples, even in the hard teachings. And reaching out to those that Jesus did, well, it's not going to be easy. It's not going to be popular. We will be bad-mouthed, accused, and looked down upon by many. But, that is okay. Because our boss isn't of this world. And we do what we do to please Jesus, no one else.
October 18, 2009
September 30, 2009
Kids can't wait to grow up. As any little kid, they want you to call them a 'big kid'. Birthdays are anticipated as the greatest thing in the world...and not just because of the presents. It's because they are getting closer and closer to being grown up. No body wants to stay a child forever.
This is exactly how it should be with becoming spiritually grown up. It is something each person should be striving for. But sadly, many stay spiritual children. There is actual work that needs to be done if you expect to grow to maturity. Just look at growing physically. If you deprive the body of proper nutrients, water, rest and exercise it will not grow properly...or not at all. It is the same thing with spiritual growth. You have to spend time in prayer, Bible study, fellowship/accountability with other believers, worship, and service....just to name a few. If you don't do these things you will never grow to become more like Jesus. And that is what being a disciple is about. It is about taking on more of the characteristics of Jesus. Time will not automatically make someone spiritually mature. No matter what anyone says, time alone WILL NOT result in spiritual growth. If you do not feed the spirit, it will not grow.
The Great Commission say to 'go and make disciples'. That tells us that one of the purposes of the church is to see that its members are growing and maturing. Just like a parent, the goal of the church should be to see fully functioning disciples going out its doors and making a difference in the world. If all that is happening is people are attending and listening to a message, with no action afterwards...there is a serious problem. That can lead to lots of head knowledge, which alone is dangerous. Because head knowledge, without the heart behind it, leads to pride. And pride is dangerous. Pride is what brings about the downfall of many people, businesses, marriages, and families.
As a parent, if I do not ensure that my children grow up to become fully functioning, contributing citizens in this world....I failed. As a church, if we don't see our people growing into Christ's likeness to go out and make a difference in this world...we failed.
This is exactly how it should be with becoming spiritually grown up. It is something each person should be striving for. But sadly, many stay spiritual children. There is actual work that needs to be done if you expect to grow to maturity. Just look at growing physically. If you deprive the body of proper nutrients, water, rest and exercise it will not grow properly...or not at all. It is the same thing with spiritual growth. You have to spend time in prayer, Bible study, fellowship/accountability with other believers, worship, and service....just to name a few. If you don't do these things you will never grow to become more like Jesus. And that is what being a disciple is about. It is about taking on more of the characteristics of Jesus. Time will not automatically make someone spiritually mature. No matter what anyone says, time alone WILL NOT result in spiritual growth. If you do not feed the spirit, it will not grow.
The Great Commission say to 'go and make disciples'. That tells us that one of the purposes of the church is to see that its members are growing and maturing. Just like a parent, the goal of the church should be to see fully functioning disciples going out its doors and making a difference in the world. If all that is happening is people are attending and listening to a message, with no action afterwards...there is a serious problem. That can lead to lots of head knowledge, which alone is dangerous. Because head knowledge, without the heart behind it, leads to pride. And pride is dangerous. Pride is what brings about the downfall of many people, businesses, marriages, and families.
As a parent, if I do not ensure that my children grow up to become fully functioning, contributing citizens in this world....I failed. As a church, if we don't see our people growing into Christ's likeness to go out and make a difference in this world...we failed.
September 23, 2009
At the end of a life, what do people want to be surrounded by? Their trophies? Their cars, clothes, or money? The truth is, none of these things. When people die, they want to be surrounded by the people that they love.
Relationships are what make the world go around. Have you ever noticed that when you are having trouble with your spouse, significant other, close friend, parents, or kids that life is just such a drag. It's because we were made to do life together.
People want to be connected. There is a deep inner need to belong somewhere, to be a part of something. It is no accident that this need is such a part of us. God put this desire to be connected in us.
Jesus had close relationships. If you look at the New Testament, Jesus had many disciples. That much is obvious, when he commissioned them and sent them out by 2's in Luke 10:1(NIV) it says- 'After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. Look how it says 72 others.' So He had lots of disciples.
But when you look at the New Testament, Jesus spend the bulk of His time with a group of twelve. Twelve that He chose to really make a deep connection to. Twelve that were like a family. Twelve that were devastated when He was crucified. Jesus did life in a small group.
Then,look at the New Testament church in Acts and see how the very first church lived. Acts 2:44-47 (NIV)-'All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.' That is what I call being connected with one another. These people were connected and cared about each other.
This is what people need. We need a group of people that we really get connected to. People that we do life with. That we share in their successes, in their defeats. People who will come to our aid when times get tough.
The truth is, most people don't have unconditionally loving relationships. That is because most people live an "IF" type of love. I will love you IF-you make me happy. IF-I am in a good mood. IF-you don't tick me off. It's conditional. But that isn't the kind of love God made us to have. God wants us to have unconditional love, but only if we are connected to Him will we be able to have that kind of love.
We were not made to do life alone. Being a lone ranger in life is not the life God wants for you. Come get connected. Get connected to God and to the other people in His family. Then will you find out what a truly fulfilling life is.
Relationships are what make the world go around. Have you ever noticed that when you are having trouble with your spouse, significant other, close friend, parents, or kids that life is just such a drag. It's because we were made to do life together.
People want to be connected. There is a deep inner need to belong somewhere, to be a part of something. It is no accident that this need is such a part of us. God put this desire to be connected in us.
Jesus had close relationships. If you look at the New Testament, Jesus had many disciples. That much is obvious, when he commissioned them and sent them out by 2's in Luke 10:1(NIV) it says- 'After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. Look how it says 72 others.' So He had lots of disciples.
But when you look at the New Testament, Jesus spend the bulk of His time with a group of twelve. Twelve that He chose to really make a deep connection to. Twelve that were like a family. Twelve that were devastated when He was crucified. Jesus did life in a small group.
Then,look at the New Testament church in Acts and see how the very first church lived. Acts 2:44-47 (NIV)-'All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.' That is what I call being connected with one another. These people were connected and cared about each other.
This is what people need. We need a group of people that we really get connected to. People that we do life with. That we share in their successes, in their defeats. People who will come to our aid when times get tough.
The truth is, most people don't have unconditionally loving relationships. That is because most people live an "IF" type of love. I will love you IF-you make me happy. IF-I am in a good mood. IF-you don't tick me off. It's conditional. But that isn't the kind of love God made us to have. God wants us to have unconditional love, but only if we are connected to Him will we be able to have that kind of love.
We were not made to do life alone. Being a lone ranger in life is not the life God wants for you. Come get connected. Get connected to God and to the other people in His family. Then will you find out what a truly fulfilling life is.
September 17, 2009
We live in a society ruled by consumerism. Everyone is familiar with "keeping up with the Jones'". Or the newest- He who has the most toys, wins. We want what everyone else has. The newest car. The designer clothes. The bling. The boat. The IPhone. Whatever it is. It's no longer about need or desire, it's a status issue. We consume things, just to consume.
The problem with all this 'getting' is it leads to emptiness. We may get a high at the beginning....spending the money, driving that sweet 2008 Ford Mustang Shelby Cobra GT500KR....with its 5.4L, 450 horses, 6 speed, all on 18 inch rims....OOPS, got away from myself. That high only lasts so long...then it's off to another quick fix, whatever it may be. Because the problem with 'getting' things is that it is never enough. There is no satisfaction living like this.
Living a life as a consumer is not living. It is just existing. Suicide is rampant where people are just existing. With no purpose, with no hope left...suicide seems to be the only way out. This is only one of the dangers of just trying to 'get'.
You want to LIVE and not just exist. Serve. Serving is the answer to that. When you are serving your local body of believers, it's called you ministry. Remember that. Having a ministry will give you purpose. When you are serving in the ministry God shaped you for....YOU ARE LIVING.
Lots of people just want to be a consumer at church. They come to get. Not at GCF. WE are going to be a body of servants. Everyone has a specific ministry they can do, something that only they are shaped to do. Contrary to popular belief, the pastor isn't called to do all the ministry. SHOCK! Ephesians 4:11-12 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers,(follow me on this one) to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.
Your ministry, your service is to build up the body of Christ. To built up the church. To go from a 'getter' to a 'giver'. Satisfaction is found in a life of purpose and a life of purpose serves the body of Christ.
The problem with all this 'getting' is it leads to emptiness. We may get a high at the beginning....spending the money, driving that sweet 2008 Ford Mustang Shelby Cobra GT500KR....with its 5.4L, 450 horses, 6 speed, all on 18 inch rims....OOPS, got away from myself. That high only lasts so long...then it's off to another quick fix, whatever it may be. Because the problem with 'getting' things is that it is never enough. There is no satisfaction living like this.
Living a life as a consumer is not living. It is just existing. Suicide is rampant where people are just existing. With no purpose, with no hope left...suicide seems to be the only way out. This is only one of the dangers of just trying to 'get'.
You want to LIVE and not just exist. Serve. Serving is the answer to that. When you are serving your local body of believers, it's called you ministry. Remember that. Having a ministry will give you purpose. When you are serving in the ministry God shaped you for....YOU ARE LIVING.
Lots of people just want to be a consumer at church. They come to get. Not at GCF. WE are going to be a body of servants. Everyone has a specific ministry they can do, something that only they are shaped to do. Contrary to popular belief, the pastor isn't called to do all the ministry. SHOCK! Ephesians 4:11-12 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers,(follow me on this one) to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.
Your ministry, your service is to build up the body of Christ. To built up the church. To go from a 'getter' to a 'giver'. Satisfaction is found in a life of purpose and a life of purpose serves the body of Christ.
September 9, 2009
Love or Hate?
There is something that people that say they are Christians are supposed to do....LOVE. Jesus' teachings were about love. That is what made them so hard. Loving isn't easy. And loving those that don't like you, that don't believe the same things as you do, or that are just difficult to get along with...is tough.
But, that is what is to set Jesus' followers apart. Their love. And not just their love for other Christians, but their love for everyone. The Bible says in Matthew 5:43- You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you! This is what Jesus said. This is His teaching. Pretty different than from what the world teaches.
It's funny. It seems every where you turn someone who says they are a Christian is saying how they hate someone. Just yesterday I read a news article about some pastor who said he prayed that President Obama would just die. That sure doesn't line up with what Jesus taught. And that isn't what biblical Christianity teaches.
What I want is GCF to be a house of love. Where people love God and love others. And not just the others in the church. I pray that people would have an unmeasurable amount of love for those not in the church. That love would overflow out the doors to everyone, no matter where they are in life. Because love is what separates Christianity from all the others. Hate doesn't change the world for the better, hatred never wins an argument, hatred never changes a mind.....Love does.
But, that is what is to set Jesus' followers apart. Their love. And not just their love for other Christians, but their love for everyone. The Bible says in Matthew 5:43- You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you! This is what Jesus said. This is His teaching. Pretty different than from what the world teaches.
It's funny. It seems every where you turn someone who says they are a Christian is saying how they hate someone. Just yesterday I read a news article about some pastor who said he prayed that President Obama would just die. That sure doesn't line up with what Jesus taught. And that isn't what biblical Christianity teaches.
What I want is GCF to be a house of love. Where people love God and love others. And not just the others in the church. I pray that people would have an unmeasurable amount of love for those not in the church. That love would overflow out the doors to everyone, no matter where they are in life. Because love is what separates Christianity from all the others. Hate doesn't change the world for the better, hatred never wins an argument, hatred never changes a mind.....Love does.
September 7, 2009
Ok, so I lied. I am going to get to the purposes I talked about in my last post, just later this week.
I was reading 2 Corinthians 10 today and realized something about Paul that I never saw before and wanted to share it. I want to share it because it is very relevant today.
Paul was not a great speaker. He was not skilled as an orator, nor did he have any professional training. Yet, he was a very successful missionary and he wrote about 2/3 of the New Testament. Paul was better writing letters than he was in public. But even in public he must have hit on some points that changed people's lives....look at all the churches he was instrumental in helping. Interesting.
I bring this up because we can see something different today. Look at TV. Look to our politicians. We listen to people and follow them....and it isn't because of what they are saying. It is their presentation. IF they are skilled at speaking, we as a society, elevate that above their actions or the message they are sending.
We all need to spend a bit more time listening to the message being given, than to how it is presented. Just a thought.
BE A REVOLUTION. Glorify, Connect, Grow, Serve, Reach.
I was reading 2 Corinthians 10 today and realized something about Paul that I never saw before and wanted to share it. I want to share it because it is very relevant today.
Paul was not a great speaker. He was not skilled as an orator, nor did he have any professional training. Yet, he was a very successful missionary and he wrote about 2/3 of the New Testament. Paul was better writing letters than he was in public. But even in public he must have hit on some points that changed people's lives....look at all the churches he was instrumental in helping. Interesting.
I bring this up because we can see something different today. Look at TV. Look to our politicians. We listen to people and follow them....and it isn't because of what they are saying. It is their presentation. IF they are skilled at speaking, we as a society, elevate that above their actions or the message they are sending.
We all need to spend a bit more time listening to the message being given, than to how it is presented. Just a thought.
BE A REVOLUTION. Glorify, Connect, Grow, Serve, Reach.
September 5, 2009
Why Church?
The question is often asked- "Why church, why can't I just have my beliefs and be done with it?" And the truth is, you can. But.....you will never grow or be able to fulfill the purpose God has for your life outside a active body of other believers. Think of it like this- what good is an eye without a brain to interrupt what it is seeing. Or if there are no hands or feet to help the eye.
According to the Bible, the church and it's members have 5 purposes. 5 specific things that they need to be doing. Sadly, many churches and people don't do all 5. They may do 2 or 3 or maybe even 4.....but that is it. And I didn't do all 5 either...for a long time. I didn't realize the importance they all played in my life. I didn't realize I could never fulfill God's tasks for my life if I didn't work on balancing all of these purposes in my life. Over my next few blogs I am going to take a bit of time to go over these purposes.
According to the Bible, the church and it's members have 5 purposes. 5 specific things that they need to be doing. Sadly, many churches and people don't do all 5. They may do 2 or 3 or maybe even 4.....but that is it. And I didn't do all 5 either...for a long time. I didn't realize the importance they all played in my life. I didn't realize I could never fulfill God's tasks for my life if I didn't work on balancing all of these purposes in my life. Over my next few blogs I am going to take a bit of time to go over these purposes.
Mobile updates
I signed up for this messaging service to be able to update the blog from my phone.
Sometimes I will just be at work and kinda spending some time having a talk with God. And I will wish I could put some of what comes to mind on the blog.......so, if this works I should be all set.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
September 3, 2009
Why another church in the Bible Belt?
When I got the vision that Baytown, TX was where God wanted me to go....I questioned it. Why there? This area has long been a stronghold for Christianity. Does it really need another church?
God answered it simply-"There are still lost people." Enough said.
The truth is, there are many good churches in Baytown. Lots of them. But there are still many, many people who aren't connecting with these existing churches....for whatever reason.
The upcoming generations (35 and under) are looking more than just a place to attend on Sunday. They want a place where they can make a difference. A place where they do things. They continue to hear- we believe this, we believe that. And they think- Great! But what are you doing about it? These generations are about action.
And that is exactly what we are going to do at GCF. We are planning HUGE. Because that way, God has to do it. We have to let Him be in control, because this is His church.
I see a church, a body of believers, who are on fire for God. And are passionate with seeing real life change happen. Seeing people find a relationship with Jesus. Finding real relationships with other believers. Where we reach into the community. Reach into the lives of the lost, the hurting, those with painful habit, the poor, the oppressed, the sick, the uneducated.
Those are the people Jesus spent time with. As He said in Matthew 9-"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick". And even many of us in the church are still sick. We need healing ourselves. We all have hurts, habits and hangups that we need to deal with. Because the hurt, that haven't dealt with their issue, often continue to hurt other people.
Our nation needs recovery. Our churches need a revolution. Christ coming over 2000 years ago revolutionized the world.
Be a revolution. GCF's moto. Come be a part of the revolution.
God answered it simply-"There are still lost people." Enough said.
The truth is, there are many good churches in Baytown. Lots of them. But there are still many, many people who aren't connecting with these existing churches....for whatever reason.
The upcoming generations (35 and under) are looking more than just a place to attend on Sunday. They want a place where they can make a difference. A place where they do things. They continue to hear- we believe this, we believe that. And they think- Great! But what are you doing about it? These generations are about action.
And that is exactly what we are going to do at GCF. We are planning HUGE. Because that way, God has to do it. We have to let Him be in control, because this is His church.
I see a church, a body of believers, who are on fire for God. And are passionate with seeing real life change happen. Seeing people find a relationship with Jesus. Finding real relationships with other believers. Where we reach into the community. Reach into the lives of the lost, the hurting, those with painful habit, the poor, the oppressed, the sick, the uneducated.
Those are the people Jesus spent time with. As He said in Matthew 9-"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick". And even many of us in the church are still sick. We need healing ourselves. We all have hurts, habits and hangups that we need to deal with. Because the hurt, that haven't dealt with their issue, often continue to hurt other people.
Our nation needs recovery. Our churches need a revolution. Christ coming over 2000 years ago revolutionized the world.
Be a revolution. GCF's moto. Come be a part of the revolution.
August 28, 2009
What's the Point?
Radical, revolutionary, life change.....what is all this about? It is time for their to be a radical change in the church. It's time for the church to be the hands and feet of Jesus. To really care about the things Jesus cared about.
What did Jesus care about? We can see a glimpse on who He spent most of His time with. Who was that? The sinners, tax collectors....a real unsavory group. He touched the people that the rest of society shunned. He got a bad rap because of the people He spent time with. The 'religious' people of His day were constantly criticizing Him because of this. Jesus cared about people....ALL people, no matter who they were or where they came from.
The thing is, the church still believes all this.....but we have taken a hands off approach. It's been like this-"I will just give money to this"....and that's it. The problem is, it hasn't worked. Our world is in worse shape than it has ever been.
It's going to take an army...a huge army to combat these issues. No government agency, no charity, no social program is big enough to handle this. But there is a sleeping giant waiting to be awakened. It is time for the church to wake-up. At GCF, this is at our core of what we believe. When Jesus said -Go and make disciples........it wasn't a suggestion, a good idea....NO. It was a command. And we are going to go....and revolutionize the world. Do you want to be enlisted in this army?
What did Jesus care about? We can see a glimpse on who He spent most of His time with. Who was that? The sinners, tax collectors....a real unsavory group. He touched the people that the rest of society shunned. He got a bad rap because of the people He spent time with. The 'religious' people of His day were constantly criticizing Him because of this. Jesus cared about people....ALL people, no matter who they were or where they came from.
The thing is, the church still believes all this.....but we have taken a hands off approach. It's been like this-"I will just give money to this"....and that's it. The problem is, it hasn't worked. Our world is in worse shape than it has ever been.
It's going to take an army...a huge army to combat these issues. No government agency, no charity, no social program is big enough to handle this. But there is a sleeping giant waiting to be awakened. It is time for the church to wake-up. At GCF, this is at our core of what we believe. When Jesus said -Go and make disciples........it wasn't a suggestion, a good idea....NO. It was a command. And we are going to go....and revolutionize the world. Do you want to be enlisted in this army?
And it begins....
Wanted to just welcome everyone to this blog. Hopefully in the upcoming days, weeks, and months I will be posting a little bit about what the vision, purpose, drive of Goose Creek Fellowship is.
Anytime a new church starts to put down roots, there are going to be questions......like......Are they a cult? Do they just want my money? What makes them different? What is the point of church anyway? I hope to use this blog to answer any questions.....and to get people on fire for what is coming.
JUST FYI....GCF is purely in the beginning stages. It doesn't gather weekly....so it's really a great time to be in on the ground floor.
Anytime a new church starts to put down roots, there are going to be questions......like......Are they a cult? Do they just want my money? What makes them different? What is the point of church anyway? I hope to use this blog to answer any questions.....and to get people on fire for what is coming.
JUST FYI....GCF is purely in the beginning stages. It doesn't gather weekly....so it's really a great time to be in on the ground floor.
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