September 17, 2009


We live in a society ruled by consumerism. Everyone is familiar with "keeping up with the Jones'". Or the newest- He who has the most toys, wins. We want what everyone else has. The newest car. The designer clothes. The bling. The boat. The IPhone. Whatever it is. It's no longer about need or desire, it's a status issue. We consume things, just to consume.

The problem with all this 'getting' is it leads to emptiness. We may get a high at the beginning....spending the money, driving that sweet 2008 Ford Mustang Shelby Cobra GT500KR....with its 5.4L, 450 horses, 6 speed, all on 18 inch rims....OOPS, got away from myself. That high only lasts so long...then it's off to another quick fix, whatever it may be. Because the problem with 'getting' things is that it is never enough. There is no satisfaction living like this.

Living a life as a consumer is not living. It is just existing. Suicide is rampant where people are just existing. With no purpose, with no hope left...suicide seems to be the only way out. This is only one of the dangers of just trying to 'get'.

You want to LIVE and not just exist. Serve. Serving is the answer to that. When you are serving your local body of believers, it's called you ministry. Remember that. Having a ministry will give you purpose. When you are serving in the ministry God shaped you for....YOU ARE LIVING.

Lots of people just want to be a consumer at church. They come to get. Not at GCF. WE are going to be a body of servants. Everyone has a specific ministry they can do, something that only they are shaped to do. Contrary to popular belief, the pastor isn't called to do all the ministry. SHOCK! Ephesians 4:11-12 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers,(follow me on this one) to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.

Your ministry, your service is to build up the body of Christ. To built up the church. To go from a 'getter' to a 'giver'. Satisfaction is found in a life of purpose and a life of purpose serves the body of Christ.


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