September 9, 2009

Love or Hate?

There is something that people that say they are Christians are supposed to do....LOVE. Jesus' teachings were about love. That is what made them so hard. Loving isn't easy. And loving those that don't like you, that don't believe the same things as you do, or that are just difficult to get along tough.

But, that is what is to set Jesus' followers apart. Their love. And not just their love for other Christians, but their love for everyone. The Bible says in Matthew 5:43- You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you! This is what Jesus said. This is His teaching. Pretty different than from what the world teaches.

It's funny. It seems every where you turn someone who says they are a Christian is saying how they hate someone. Just yesterday I read a news article about some pastor who said he prayed that President Obama would just die. That sure doesn't line up with what Jesus taught. And that isn't what biblical Christianity teaches.

What I want is GCF to be a house of love. Where people love God and love others. And not just the others in the church. I pray that people would have an unmeasurable amount of love for those not in the church. That love would overflow out the doors to everyone, no matter where they are in life. Because love is what separates Christianity from all the others. Hate doesn't change the world for the better, hatred never wins an argument, hatred never changes a mind.....Love does.


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